The Benefits of Direct Care Dermatology

(561) 783-DERM

Skincare Regimen

Do you know which products are right for your skin type? Are you overwhelmed with the wide variety of skincare products available on the market? Call now to book a consult with our board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Jenna Queller, for a customized skincare regimen today that fits your skin type.

Does the order of your skincare routine matter?

Applying your skincare products in the proper order ensures that your skin receives the full benefits of each product. The order of application is incredibly important. The skin’s job is to keep things out, but many of the skincare products we use have ingredients we want to infiltrate into the skin. Only a very small amount of these key ingredients can penetrate the skin, even when perfectly formulated and perfectly applied. If you don’t apply products in the correct order, you will not see the best results from your skincare regimen.

What makes medical skincare special?

Most over the counter skincare products lack the proper ingredients to deliver the active ingredients into your skin. Most products when applied to your skin just sit on the surface. Medical grade products are highly active and designed to penetrate deep into your skin to transform your skin on a cellular level. This ensures that you will visibly see and feel improvement in your skin within weeks.

During your consultation with our board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Jenna Queller, she will listen to your concerns, assess your skin and create a skincare regimen that will target your issues. Dr. Queller will outline your skincare goals and will tailor a custom regimen for you using high-quality medical grade products.  At DermWorks™, we take an integrative, holistic approach to skin health. Dr. Queller will discuss your diet in addition to your skincare routine. We know that diet plays a huge role in your skincare goals. If high-quality medical grade products are not within your budget, Dr. Queller will go over the over-the-counter products that she knows works best for your skin type. Schedule a DermWorks™ skincare regimen consult now.