The Benefits of Direct Care Dermatology

(561) 783-DERM


“Rash” is a very broad term that describes new red, pink or purple spots on the skin. A rash can be localized to one particular area or may be diffuse over the entire skin’s surface. Rashes have many causes from skin diseases like rosacea or psoriasis to infections to allergic reactions. Some rashes are self-limited and resolve on their own while others may require significant treatment. If you develop a fever, chills, throat swelling, headaches, or other noticeable symptoms with your rash, it is important that you seek medical care. Treatment of rashes depends on their cause and may include topical, oral or intravenous medications.

At a Glance

Dr. Jenna Queller

  • Board Certified in Dermatology
  • Practiced at a prestigious dermatology office on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, California
  • Authored several book chapters in clinical textbooks and peer-reviewed publications
  • Learn more