The Benefits of Direct Care Dermatology

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Psoriasis is a common skin condition affecting about 2% of Americans. It causes the body to produce new skin cells within days rather than weeks. Psoriasis consists of thick, scaly, itchy patches or plaques that appear on the knees, elbows, lower back, buttocks, and scalp. The patches and plaques may also burn, sting, feel tight and can be very painful.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a common non-contagious skin condition that results when a person’s immune system sends incorrect signals to the skin, telling it to grow too quickly. Skin cells build up and result in red scaly patches that can become thick and itchy. There are multiple forms of psoriasis, including large plaque psoriasis where patients develop large patches of red scaly plaques, guttate psoriasis where patients form very small pink spots of psoriasis, pustular psoriasis where the rash contains pus bumps, erythrodermic psoriasis where the entire skin is red and painful or psoriatic arthritis where it involves the joints, where patients develop joint inflammation which can ultimate destroy joints if not treated.

When does psoriasis occur?

Psoriasis can occur at any age, but it most commonly presents between the ages of 15 and 30 or 50 and 60 years old. Although we do not know the exact cause of psoriasis, genetics are important. Certain “triggers,” such as stress, strep throat, specific medications, dry cold weather, or skin injury may bring out psoriasis or cause disease flare-ups.

Where does psoriasis occur?

Although psoriasis may be most obvious on the skin as an inflammatory rash, it is important to understand that psoriasis also causes internal inflammation. Internal inflammation has been linked to higher rates of diabetes, heart problems, and destructive joint arthritis in some patients. Nail psoriasis changes the fingernails and toenails causing dents in the nails, discoloration, and lifts the nail because of the buildup of skin cells below the nail.

What are the treatments for psoriasis?

There are many effective treatments for psoriasis and your particular treatment plan will depend on the extent and severity of your condition. Therapies can include topical, oral, and injected medications or light and laser therapies. Psoriasis is a chronic disease but numerous treatments are available and we are using the newest, most cutting-edge medications and treatment protocols.

At a Glance

Dr. Jenna Queller

  • Board Certified in Dermatology
  • Practiced at a prestigious dermatology office on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, California
  • Authored several book chapters in clinical textbooks and peer-reviewed publications
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