The Benefits of Direct Care Dermatology

(561) 783-DERM
Gold Microinfusion

Gold Microinfusion

A powerful blend of vitamins, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid filler, and neurotoxin, infused by gentle stamping to create a smooth glowing appearance

What is in a Gold Microinfusion?

A Gold Microinfusion contains a blend of vitamins, including B complex, B12, and vitamin C to brighten the skin and infuse antioxidants for protection. Neurotoxin (Dysport) is included to minimize pores and decrease oil production. A soft hyaluronic acid dermal filler like Belotero is mixed in to provide hydration and plumping.

How do I prepare?

Come to your appointment well-hydrated and with a clean face. If you’re wearing products or makeup when you arrive, our cleansers are available in the office for you to use. Schedule your treatment up to 3 days prior to a special event, for gorgeous, glowing skin.
A Gold Microinfusion can be done without neurotoxins during pregnancy, just let us know before we mix up this special skin elixir!

What can I expect during the treatment?

During the treatment, tiny 24K gold-plated needles are gently stamped into the skin. You may feel very mild tingling or prickling, but most patients think it is painless!

What is the aftercare?

The elixir will be left on the skin after treatment. You can wash it off 30 minutes after your treatment. Your skin will be slightly red right after treatment; this lasts for a few hours and then resolves.

Avoid makeup the day and night of your treatment.

Regular skin care, including SPF, can be resumed the day following your treatment.

Enjoy smoother, glowing skin right away and for 4+ weeks after the treatment. The Gold Microinfusion can be repeated whenever your skin needs a little refreshing, or before a special event!

What is the difference between a Gold Microinfusion and Microneedling?

A Gold Microinfusion is a gentler treatment, with smaller, finer needles that do not go as deep into the skin. It is a sterile single-use device, this little stamper, that has spring-loaded, hollow bore needles. It’s like making a thousand little manual injections with a syringe. We are placing active ingredients where they are supposed to go, which allows it to be more effective. This treatment affects the superficial layers of the skin to minimize pores, hydrate with hyaluronic acid, exfoliate dead skin cells, and infuse brightening vitamins and antioxidants that give skin a healthy glow.

Microneedling is a deeper treatment that stimulates new collagen production by creating micro-injuries in the deeper layers of the skin. As these micro-injuries heal, new collagen is deposited to improve skin texture, fine lines, and scarring.

Both of these treatments are safe in all skin types. The Gold Microinfusion has no downtime, and is perfect to prep for a special event. Microneedling is something you’ll want to plan for, as it requires 5-7 days of healing and downtime. Your skin care goals will determine which of these treatments is right for you, though we love them both!

What’s in the Microinfusion Cocktail?

The beauty of the microinfusion facial comes from the potent combination of products tailored to each patient’s needs, plus the microneedling method itself, which stimulates the production of collagen. Some cocktails include Botox (botulinum toxin), hyaluronic acid filler, and PRP from your own blood to work antiaging magic. Others may choose to forgo the PRP or include certain vitamins like C and A depending on your skin type.

You might be wondering, “Botox? Won’t that freeze my face?” Botox serves a different purpose here than when it’s injected into the muscles. In the microinfusion facial, stamping Botox into the dermis shrinks the piloerector muscles, the small muscles attached to hair follicles. In this facial, the Botox is more superficial, so it has an effect on the quality of the skin, but you’re going to have no difference in movement of your face. It gives you a beautiful porcelain skin look. Hyaluronic acid is the major component of the body’s own collagen, and so by applying it directly into the dermis, you give the skin a dewy, hydrated, plump look, almost like a teenager’s skin. PRP, which is separated from your blood using a centrifuge, is often referred to as “liquid gold” — it’s rich in growth factors that ramp up stem cell production, meaning it stimulates the creation and generation of new, youthful skin.

Who Can Get Microinfusion?

Anyone is a candidate for microinfusion, but it definitely helps if you already have an established skincare regimen. This is a great treatment if you’re wanting to improve the quality of your skin, the suppleness, hydration, dewiness, fine lines, pores, and pigment. Interestingly, it’s also great for people who are a bit acne prone, because Botox in your dermis decreases the production of sebum, which is oil in the skin. So it can break a breakout cycle.

When Will You See Results, and How Long Will They Last?

It will start to see results immediately and Dr. Queller advises that it takes four to seven days for the full effect to kick in, and collagen induction will happen on the back burner over the course of six to eight weeks.

At a Glance

Dr. Jenna Queller

  • Board Certified in Dermatology
  • Practiced at a prestigious dermatology office on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, California
  • Authored several book chapters in clinical textbooks and peer-reviewed publications
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